Media release - Devon Funds Receives Morningstar Fund Manager of the Year: Domestic Equities Award for Dividend Yield and Trans-Tasman Funds

The Devon Dividend Yield & Devon Trans-Tasman funds have been awarded Fund Manager of the Year: Domestic Equities in 2023, New Zealand.

Morningstar noted that “Devon will go the extra mile to obtain an understanding of the intrinsic value of a business. Both of its strategies saw comfortable outperformances against their respective Morningstar Category indexes and most peers.”

Devon Managing Director Slade Robertson commented:

“It was great to attend the 2023 Morningstar awards this week, to recognise and celebrate the best of the New Zealand fund management profession. We are delighted to receive these accolades which is a testament to the strong performance delivered by the Devon funds, not just in 2022, but over the past several years, underpinned by a strong team and robust investment processes. The environment has been a challenging one for markets, but a very productive one for astute active investors. The Devon investment team remain committed to continue delivering the best outcomes possible for all our clients.”

For more please click here.

To read Devon's full media release please click here.

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